We at Bright n' Beautiful are Montana neighbors who share a passion for a clean and healthy community. We want to be proud of our home and we're not afraid of getting a little dirty while making it shine. We take great pleasure in mobilizing volunteers to invest time and effort in tending to this patch of heaven we call Yellowstone County. We believe in our shared American responsibility to maintain clean, green and beautiful spaces to live, work, study and play. That's why we strive every day to make a positive difference.
Bright n' Beautiful Board of Directors 2025
Lisa Dietz, Chair
LuAnne Engh, Vice Chair
Barbara Turner, Treasurer
Beth Hollenbeck, Secretary
Susan Plath, Member
Joseph Anderson, Member
Tamara Kraft, Member
Joanie Tooley, Member
Peggie Gaghen, Member Emeritis
TJ Rogers​​, Liaison Billings City Council
We take action every day
to improve our community.
Bright n' Beautiful works to maintain a clean community through lively, satisfying, hands-on projects throughout the year. We invite people to enjoy fellowship and participate in fun, fresh air activities like Great American Cleanup, Adopt-a-Spot, Arbor Day celebrations, Keep Your High School Beautiful, Keep Canyon Creek Memorial Beautiful and Yellowstone County Christmas Tree Recycling. We also support and promote impromptu litter clean ups as good neighbors stage them throughout the region. Over the course of the year, thousands of bright and beautiful volunteers show up to clean up or otherwise tend to our shared surroundings. What's the secret ingredient? Fun!